On-Line 4 week workshop - Begins 1st Tuesday of every month

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  • Regular price $150.00

On-Camera, On-Line

Learn how to be in the top 5% of all Hollywood actors self submitting self tapes.

4 week On-Camera, On-Line workshop

Work with award winning feature film director David Rountree

At the start of each week, everyone will receive a scene and a breakdown page (as you would normally get during the on-set workshops). 

Option 1   ($150 for 4 weeks)   

TUESDAY - Receive the weekly scene.

Actors work on breaking down the scene, analyzing character behavior and develop ideas you would have for playing any of the characters in the scene.

FRIDAY- Receive a pdf to Director Rountree's advanced scene breakdown PLUS participate live his full video breakdown analysis of that scene. (A recorded link will also be downloadable afterwards).

Option 2  ($300 for 4 weeks)

MONDAY - Receive the weekly scene.

Actors can break down the scene and film a self-tape of the character of their choice. Due by Wednesday evening.

FRIDAY - Receive a pdf to Rountree's advanced scene breakdown PLUS participate live his full video breakdown analysis (a recorded link will also be downloadable afterwards).

* Rountree watches your self-tape and will provide feedback during a personalized session.

**** ADDITIONALLY , You will work directly online with Rountree for a 30 minute one-on-one scheduled video conference in regard to the character and performance.